Science Page 10

The students studied how Bernoulli's Principle helps an airplane fly in "Taking Flight".

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I'm not sure these "techniques" really work all that well for launching a plane, but they make it easy to take a picture!


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Austin winds up for a record throw!  Maybe. Or maybe not!



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Caity's too fast for my camera, but what great form!



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Chelsy was a little too fast, too. Hmmm.... maybe it's the camera...



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Here is a great shot!! (Thank you.) Look at Cory's form! Check out the plane in the air! And look at the people in the background, working so intently!!


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Eric helped me get another good picture of the plane in flight.



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Kayla goes for some height with this flight.



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Kaylee had a pretty successful flight, but that bloomin' camera was too slow to catch the plane again!


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A great shot of Sarah releasing her plane. Even Chelsy's impressed!


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Mark makes a few adjustments on his plane, as per the directions.


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Jake gets a good level flight - and you can even see his plane "exiting" the photo on the left!



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Check this out! Sarah's plane, just after release, is still above her - and behind her hand!



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Olivia, Jamie, and Casie wanted at least one picture of them to turn out, so they posed for one. Whatever works.


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If these guys would just listen!!!! I told them to bring a notebook outside so they'd have a hard writing surface! But NOOOO! Don't listen to the teacher!!  ...At least they used some creativity to solve the problem! That's progress!


"Bernoulli's Principle in Action" was the make-shift title of the second paper lab. This time the students experimented with three different plane designs, compared their flights, and inferred as to the reason for the differences. Again, I stress that Bernoulli's Principle is one factor in how an airplane flies.

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Kaylee, Kayla, and Kim notice that this plane doesn't fly straight.





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I thought I timed this right, to catch Katie releasing the plane. However, she froze, thinking Kim and  Katherine weren't ready yet. Oh, well. She's got good form!



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These four collaborate on the analysis questions after collecting their data. Of course, it wasn't until after they all sat down that they thought about the effects of wet pavement on the seat of their pants!



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Chelsy puts everything she's got into her launch. Sarah gets distracted as she notices me with the camera. Total concentration vs. distraction, and both planes went straight down!!


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Cory holds his form, causing the plane to turn?? That's good body English! Guess it works in more than just billiards!


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Eric reaches for new heights.


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I realize I missed the plane again, but I thought this was a good picture. Jason focuses on the throw, and Mark times it. Great teamwork!!


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Nate aims for Justin's head, not compensating for the turning ability of his plane.



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Val launches the plane, but her partners aren't even paying attention!!


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What is with these girls and their posing??


Someone stole my camera!! Guess these ladies had a little time on their hands after completing the lab. 

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Clare and Olivia  take a still shot for their modeling portfolio.



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Like we're supposed to believe these two are actually about to throw those planes??


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Olivia is a double-fisted pilot. 


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Perhaps Jamie and Olivia thought they could fly better than their paper planes???? Clare wants no part of that! (I did notice that Olivia is in each of these 4 pictures. I never knew she had such a desire for the spotlight!)


The students performed "A Powerful Workout" on the bleachers of the football field. They discovered how much work it takes to climb stairs, as well as the power they exert in doing so. Here my comments will be minimal, considering these people are just climbing stairs!

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Ashley checks her time with Val, as Kaylee and Kim listen in.



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Aimee races up the steps.


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Ben times himself on a slow climb, while Shawn just worries about not tripping.


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Caity and Elliot were racing, but Caity was laughing so hard she could barely stay on her feet!


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Instead of using the steps, David climbed the seats!


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Katie ran so hard she almost lost her footing!



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I'm glad Kim didn't just have another foot surgery!


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While others chose to race, Steve and Danny take their time, discussing world events, school issues, the weather, and, of course, girls.


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