Science Page 11

The students investigated the difference in the benefit of inclined planes at different inclines in "Inclined To Move".

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All eyes are on Caleb. You'd think someone would check the reading on the scale!


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Here Joe's doing all the work. At least the others are recording data, not just watching Joe.


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At least Kim and Katie look interested in what Katherine's doing!


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Although Cory's doing the bilk of the work, Jon is trying to read the scale.


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This is good! Claire pulls while Allie reads the scale (without her glasses), and Liza holds up the meter stick.


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These three ladies always work hard! Great teamwork!!


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I don't know if Ryan is yelling out the reading on the scale, or yelling at Jordan!


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Donavon and Jake work together well, but I wonder if  Donavon's sweatshirt is really keeping him warm?



An understanding of the advantages of the three classes of levers was the goal of the "Levers Lab". 

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Here's a classic: I line up the shot, making sure Kim & Katherine are visible, and that they all are working on the lab. After I take the picture, I realize that Katie's arm hides her face!


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Ben tries to see the reading on the spring scale as Caleb applies the force, but Ross doesn't seem too interested.



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Joe's quite talented. He's reporting the reading the spring scale while looking at me.




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This was such a good shot - Danny and David are focused on the lab, but at the last second Kyle turns to look at the camera, in mid-sentence!



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Aimee and Jackie get a good reading just before they "break" the spring scale!  Too bad that video didn't turn out!


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Oh, this is good! Allie is working really well, and so are most people in the background. But check out Dani! She's scowling at me!! What's she so mad about?!?


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Cory and Jason combine their skills to complete their task. And in the back, Aimee is trying to hide behind the cup, peering over it.


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Jeff discovers that using a third class lever, with the force applied near the fulcrum, doesn't give you much of an advantage.


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Mike was kind enough to take a few extra seconds to get his reading as I set up for a photo.  Thank you, Mike!

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Danny shows just how he feels about science.



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Some days, nothing goes right. I tried getting a good shot of Liza and Claire working, but the meter stick is right in front of Claire's face! ... 

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...So I tried again, later, and got the same results!! Both times, I  realized it only after the picture was taken!!



Here the students investigated the difference in advantages between fixed and moveable pulleys.

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Dani almost looks like Lady Liberty holding that spring scale up!



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Casie and Jamie are not excluding Cassie from the lab. Casie is pulling the spring scale, Jamie is reading it, and Cassie is recording the data. Teamwork!!


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Liza looks quite interested in the lab, but Jackie looks really bored!



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Cory seems to be having a bit of trouble reading the spring scale.



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I'm not sure what Jeremy is reading here - Jordan has the scale!



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David seems to be having a bit of trouble with the moveable pulley, but Kyle's about to lend a hand.


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I do not know who took this one. Kayla and Brittany look fine, but that string cuts right down Kayla's face!


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Ryan seems enthralled with the pennies as Mark does the work.  And there's Katie peeking around from behind! 


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Mark is left holding the scale as Ben records the good stuff.



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While Joe is doing most of the work here, Jake is is very interested in what's happening, and appears ready to jump in and help.

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Kayla and Brittany are almost too short for the length of string they're using! Now, as I asked them, how could they solve this problem? 


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