Science, Page 9

The students studied projectile motion in "A Marshmallow Catapult". I've only thrown in a few comments here because, let's face it: how much can you say?!? They're just flingin' marshmallows, for Goodness' sake!!!!!

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After 5 ½ years, I've finally figured out how to attach a second head onto a body!  I just forgot the neck...


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After catapulting the marshmallow, Elliot had to measure just how far it went.






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Joe helps Danny by marking the spot.

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Getting sick of crawling on the floor to measure, Ross finds a different way to travel.


"Quite a Reaction" had the students experience Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. 

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Molly isn't conducting the lab quite right, but neither Mara nor Caity seem to notice!



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Mark does a good job cutting the string. Jason enjoys the reaction. Kyle is off in "La-La Land".



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Can you guess in which direction the marble went?



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Claire insisted on cutting the string. I don't think Liza was too happy about that!


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Kayla seems to be having trouble cutting the string. Instead of helping (like a good lab partner), Kaylee laughs at her!


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Now, IF  Russ just cut the string, he musta been aiming at Joe!




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As Krista shows, cutting the string and not  touching the cardboard isn't so easy. The tongue is optional, however.



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Now Russ seems to be doing it right! I think Joe appreciates that!


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Hmmm. Gina's doing all the lab work, while Dani just talks to Jackie, and Jackie does her MATH!!!


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Working at a different angle, Kayla meets success.



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Eric gives us a closer view of the experiment. Of course, those straws should be under the cardboard!


"Blast Off" had the students investigating all three of Newton's Laws of Motion, trying to raise as many pennies as high as possible.

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Kim, Katie, and Katherine are pleased with their success.




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Danny & Elliot watch in amazement as Joe guides the balloon up with his hands.




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Liza releases the balloon, Allie measures the height, and Gina records their results. Fantastic!! (I do apologize to Allie for cutting her in half - I didn't mean to!)


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Jeff and Luke have a little problem with balancing their balloon, but they did  get it off the floor!




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Luke, Amanda, and Katie have more success - the balloon rose right out of the picture!

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Claire and Sarah run out of fuel about half way up.

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Kaylee, Kayla, and Kim discover that a round balloon works very well! (We ran out of long balloons!)




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